Sports Game TV: Elder Scrolls V
Showing posts with label Elder Scrolls V. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elder Scrolls V. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Skyrim - You Choose What We Do (E05) - GameSocietyPimps

Skyrim - You Choose What We Do (E05) - GameSocietyPimps
Today we're playing Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Special Edition (AKA Skyrim Remastered) LIVE! Join us! Game provided by Bethesda.LIVE SHOUT-OUT FROM US = $10 via PayPal to AaronYonda@gmail.comDonators get a shout out AND get to pick an action for us to make in the adventure. Please say what you want in the donation. Please keep your action reasonable, not something...

Skyrim - You Choose What We Do (E06) - GameSocietyPimps

Skyrim - You Choose What We Do (E06) - GameSocietyPimps
Today we're playing Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Special Edition (AKA Skyrim Remastered) LIVE! Join us! Game provided by Bethesda.LIVE SHOUT-OUT FROM US = $10 via PayPal to AaronYonda@gmail.comDonators get a shout out AND get to pick an action for us to make in the adventure. Please say what you want in the donation. Please keep your action reasonable, not something...

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Skyrim for Pimps | True Lies (S7E01)

Skyrim for Pimps | True Lies (S7E01)
The time has come, season 7 of Skyrim for Pimps is here. The adventure continues, in a rather unexpected and amazing manner.• HELP US SURVIVE YOUTUBE DEMONETIZATION:• SUBSCRIBE:• LIVE EVENT CALENDAR:• SHIRTS:• TWITTER:•...

Skyrim for Pimps | Squ'ishyballs (S7E03)

Skyrim for Pimps | Squ'ishyballs (S7E03)
Mai Dik avenges the lives of chickens from a horde of necromancers, and finds the ancestor of someone very familiar....KINGDOM COME:• HELP US SURVIVE YOUTUBE DEMONETIZATION:• SUBSCRIBE:• LIVE EVENT CALENDAR:•...

Skyrim for Pimps | Mai Dik's New Boyfriend (S7E04)

Skyrim for Pimps | Mai Dik's New Boyfriend (S7E04)
Mai Dik gets a new boyfriend and takes him on a romantic first date that includes killing a moose and hypothermia.• HELP US SURVIVE YOUTUBE DEMONETIZATION:• SUBSCRIBE:• LIVE EVENT CALENDAR:• SHIRTS:• TWITTER:...

Skyrim for Pimps | Bad Parenting (S7E05)

Skyrim for Pimps | Bad Parenting (S7E05)
Mai Dik has to clean up the beach so some dumb kid can play there without getting mauled by crabs.• HELP US SURVIVE YOUTUBE DEMONETIZATION:• SUBSCRIBE:• TWICE A WEEK ON TWITCH:• AARON:• SHIRTS:•...