Sports Game TV: Dishonored
Showing posts with label Dishonored. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dishonored. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Dishonored 2 LIVE Comedy - GameSocietyPimps

Dishonored 2 LIVE Comedy - GameSocietyPimps
Today we're playing Dishonored 2 LIVE! Join us!LIVE SHOUT-OUT FROM US = $10 via PayPal to AaronYonda@gmail.com1 PRIZE ENTRY = $5 via PayPal to AaronYonda@gmail.comA shout-out will get you 2 entries. $15 will get you a shout-out and 3 entries, etc. If you don't want a shout-out, but just the prize entry let us know.PRIZES are a digital copies of three Steam games,...