Sports Game TV: Dishonored Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming
Showing posts with label Dishonored Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dishonored Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Dishonored 2 LIVE Comedy - GameSocietyPimps

Dishonored 2 LIVE Comedy - GameSocietyPimps
Today we're playing Dishonored 2 LIVE! Join us!LIVE SHOUT-OUT FROM US = $10 via PayPal to AaronYonda@gmail.com1 PRIZE ENTRY = $5 via PayPal to AaronYonda@gmail.comA shout-out will get you 2 entries. $15 will get you a shout-out and 3 entries, etc. If you don't want a shout-out, but just the prize entry let us know.PRIZES are a digital copies of three Steam games,...